Nicholas Ganson, PhD

Co-director of the Literature and History Program
Associate 教授essor of History and Director of the New York Life Insurance Company Center for the Study of Hellenism in Pontus and Asia Minor

  • BA: College of the 圣十字
  • MA: 波士顿学院
  • 博士: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Nicholas Ganson is Associate 教授essor of History at 希腊的大学.  He serves as an advisor to first-year students and teaches core and elective courses in European and world history, as well as courses in religious, 知识, and environmental history. 教授essor Ganson earned his B.A. in Biology from the College of the 圣十字 (1998), M.A. with distinction in History from 波士顿学院 (2000), and Ph.D. in History from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2006).  教授essor Ganson has previously held full-time teaching positions at Virginia Tech, the College of the 圣十字, and Bridgewater State University.

教授. Ganson’s doctoral research focused on the Soviet post-World War II 饥荒.  他的书, entitled The Soviet Famine of 1946-47 in Global and Historical Perspective (New York: Palgrave  Macmillan, 2009), 是社会的, 政治, and comparative history of the 饥荒 and the only monograph on the topic by a western scholar. The monograph views the 饥荒 within the context of Soviet history, but also the histories of World War II, 冷战, 饥荒, 和意识形态.  In association with his research on the 饥荒 of 1946-47, 教授. Ganson received a Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship (2003-04), Social Science Research Council Dissertation Write-up Fellowship (2005-06), and the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies Graduate Student Essay Prize for his paper entitled “Exploring the Causes of Child Mortality during the Soviet Famine of 1946-47” (2005). 教授. Ganson continues to explore 饥荒 in comparative perspective and is working on an article on hunger in West Virginia during the Great Depression.

今天,教授. Ganson’s primary research focus is on the activities of Russian Orthodox dissident priests during the late Soviet period.  He has published an article entitled “Orthodox Dissidence as De-Atomization: Father Dmitrii Dudko and His Battle with Razobshchennost’.”  Ganson asserts that, for both the Soviet government and the larger western world, the importance of the dissidents lay in their opposition to the Soviet state; thus, they were viewed both by outsiders and their own state as monochrome, 政治, 和苏.  In western eyes, their significance fell away with the disintegration of the Soviet system.  In examining the priests’ 写作s, Ganson pays heed to their worldviews and reveals that religious motives predominated over any 政治 considerations.  He emphasizes that purely spiritual strivings can and, 在这种情况下, have 政治 implications, but that consequences should not be confused with motive.

教授. Ganson loves teaching history and engaging in discussion with students on historical topics both in and outside of the classroom.  在他的课程中, he places a particular emphasis on developing research, 写作, and argumentation skills. When he is not teaching, 教授. Ganson enjoys conducting his parish choir, learning sacred music, fine-tuning his culinary skills, and spending time with his family.  Ganson, a Boston native, is also an avid fan of local sports teams.


  • 世界历史
  • American History I
  • American History II
  • History of Orthodox Monasticism
  • History of Modern Greece
  • European Intellectual History
  • Environmental History
  • Honors: Comparative Famine and Social Crisis
  • Special Topics: History of Religion in Russia
  • Special Topics: Religion and Violence in the Early Modern World